Adeline R Falk Rafael


Locations / Contact Info:

341 Health, Nursing & Environmental Studies - HNES
Keele Campus
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext. 33596

Email address(es):

Faculty & School/Dept.

Faculty of Health - School of Nursing


BScN - 1989
University of Western Ontario
London, ON

MSN - 1993
D'Youville College
Buffalo, NY

PhD - 1997
University of Colorado
Denver, CO

Selected Publications


1.     Falk-Rafael AR, Betker C. Witnessing Social Injustice Downstream and Advocating for Health Equity Upstream: "The Trombone Slide" of Nursing. ANS 9000;Publish Ahead of Print.

2.    Bradley, P. and Falk-Rafael, A. R. Instrumental care and human-centred caring: Rhetoric versus lived reality. Advances in Nursing Science 2011;34:297-314.

3.    Falk-Rafael, A. R. Globalization and global health: Toward nursing praxis in the global community. Advances in Nursing Science 2006;29:2-14.

4.    Falk-Rafael, A. R., Fox, J., and Bewick, D. Health care reforms in Ontario, Canada: Moving toward or away from Primary Health Care? Report of a 1999 survey of public health nurses. Primary Health Care Research and Development 2005;6:172-183.

5.    Falk-Rafael, A. R. Advancing nursing theory through theory-guided practice: The emergence of a critical caring perspective. Advances in Nursing Science 2005;28:38-49.

6.    Falk-Rafael, A. R. Speaking truth to power: Nursing's legacy and moral imperative. Advances in Nursing Science 2005;28:212-223.

7.    Falk-Rafael, A. R., Chinn, P. L., Anderson, M. A., Laschinger, H., and Rubotzky, A. The effectiveness of feminist pedagogy in empowering a community of learners. Journal of Nursing Education 2004;43:107-115.

8.    Falk-Rafael AR, Anderson MA, Chinn PL, Rubotzky A. Peace and power as a critical feminist framework for nursing education. In: Oermann M, Heinrich K, eds. Annual Review of Nursing Education. V 2 ed. New York: Springer; 2004;217-235.

9.    Falk-Rafael, A. R. Empowerment as a process of evolving consciousness: A model of empowered caring. Advances in Nursing Science 2001;24:1-16.

10. Rafael, A. R. F. Watson's philosophy, science, and theory of human caring as a conceptual framework for guiding community health nursing practice. Advances in Nursing Science 2000;23:34-49.


American Academy of Nursing

Registered Nurses Association of Ontario

College of Nurses of Ontario

Canadian Nurses Association

Community Health Nurses Initiatives Group

Community Health Nurses of Canada


RNAO Honorary Life Membership - 2011


Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes

Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: No

Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: No

Current Research

Dr. Falk-Rafael's work focuses on development of critical caring theory. This mid-range theory of public health nursing builds on her previous research exploring  power and powerlessness in public health nursing practice. Specifically, critical caring has evolved from previous research which conceptualized empowered caring and previous scholarship explicating Dr. Jean Watson's caring science as a conceptual framework for guiding public health nursing.